Wednesday 28 May 2014

Planning my oral presentation and learning along the way...

Only a few more days until the oral presentation at Middlesex! I can remember last year looking ahead to this point thinking what my oral presentation would be about, I can't believe I'm actually here!

I also can't believe that I'm still learning even at the final stages of the BAPP course.
I'm currently putting together my power point for the oral presentation which will be next Tuesday (Nervous, but excited!) and I don't know if it's embarrassing to admit that I've never used power point before today!
It is very straight forward once you get the hang of it but it's something I would never have used if it weren't for this course.

I'm enjoying being at this point, being able to reflect and summarise all that I've learnt ...the finish line is in sight!

Thursday 15 May 2014

Good News From the IDTA!

A few weeks ago I received a letter from the IDTA stating that I had achieved the highest mark in 2013 for the Ballet Teaching Associates exam and therefore I would be nominated for the Giles Bursary Award.
I couldn't believe what I was reading. I was really happy and couldn't help but feel proud that I had achieved the highest mark.

I've found it really encouraging and even if I don't win the bursary it won't matter because teaching dance is what I absolutely love doing and it's lovely to know that I must be doing it right so far!

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Last Submission!

Feeling really happy and relieved today now that my critical review and artefact have been submitted.
I also actually feel quite sad that this piece of work is done because I've really enjoyed doing the inquiry and discovering new ideas. I would never have thought that I could carry out an investigation to get results that may not have always been conclusive but were really insightful!
I have picked up several pieces of literature on the way that I'm definitely going to read further and maybe even try and find more material to read as I do believe that this part of the inquiry has really developed me and widened my knowledge of teaching. I don't want to stop there and be happy with what I've learnt so far, I want to continue learning and keep developing my teaching methods.

Now we've got the oral presentation to look forward to!

I've posted on the Sig asking if anyone would like to have a chat via Skype just to discuss our presentations and bounce a few ideas around. If anyone would be interested in Skyping let me know!