Thursday 14 February 2013

The first door opened...

I've undertaken a variety of projects and courses over the years, giving me the experience and qualifications I have today but I don't think I have ever been as apprehensive at starting something new until I set out to embark on this course.
The induction day was a big step for me - It allowed me to take a peek at what was behind the door and ahead of me for the next 15 months.
I admit...I had to stop myself from being overwhelmed at the prospect of blogging! I have only just got the hang of using facebook! But now I've started...I think I am excited about it all...and what other doors will be opened to me along the way?!


  1. Hello Carla,
    Lovely meeting you the other week. Overwhelmed is the correct term, scary i thought! But i think i am now getting there slowly but surley!Page is looking great!
